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Lexicographical Substring Search statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
2039 15743 3408 3960 715 1225 3525

121 2018-08-29 06:22:11 remoon accepted 0.28 44M CPP
122 2013-11-07 13:00:57 HuJun accepted 0.29 43M CPP
123 2015-03-08 08:28:35 dd accepted 0.29 27M CPP
124 2015-05-26 15:49:43 RXDoi accepted 0.29 51M CPP
125 2015-06-16 12:26:11 KeyID accepted 0.29 24M CPP
126 2016-02-15 06:55:41 y0rkl1u accepted 0.29 72M CPP
127 2016-10-14 22:46:09 martek accepted 0.29 15M CPP
128 2017-01-12 05:06:06 eliogovea accepted 0.29 25M CPP
129 2017-03-22 16:41:39 YOU accepted 0.29 243M CPP
130 2017-05-22 10:36:24 jxamfe accepted 0.29 38M CPP
131 2019-12-11 03:21:09 kal0rona accepted 0.29 17M CPP
132 2015-04-20 10:26:12 wangxz accepted 0.30 27M CPP
133 2015-07-30 03:58:27 windows 10000 accepted 0.30 19M CPP
134 2016-01-06 15:02:34 Tgop_Knight accepted 0.30 44M CPP
135 2016-07-17 14:02:09 XuYiPei accepted 0.30 27M CPP
136 2020-06-04 10:31:47 hp565 accepted 0.30 4.8M CPP
137 2012-05-01 04:55:31 kunkun220189 accepted 0.31 4.7M CPP
138 2015-01-27 06:59:38 hzt accepted 0.31 90M CPP
139 2015-04-03 18:29:52 dwjshift accepted 0.31 45M CPP
140 2015-04-20 09:44:20 ljw accepted 0.31 27M CPP